Hey Baby!

Hi, so I'm back with yet another subject to write about, after I had a lengthy discussion with a friend.
Not getting into the psychological terms for this, so I'm going to call it 'The little baby inside me'.

This is about the child that you tamed while growing up, and decided to be mature about it because everyone around you had already decided you were a grown up because you either reached college/ technically you hit puberty/ simply because you were old enough to make rational decisions and chose what subject you wanted to study further. Ever wondered what happened to that little baby?

So here's what happened. (The story in my head)
That baby sat in a tiny corner of the room, waiting for you to come address it and love it for a little bit, if not too much. All those things that seemed magical in your head, all the happiness and the time's you've just wanted to jump and scream because you were happy, you didn't. That's what a child would do right? And you aren't one, since you decided to accept the decision of others that you were an adult.
I wonder why we never let our rebellious nature get into the way of this and let that little baby inside us be loved and picked up again? Or were we just too afraid of being called childish because now we were grown up's and had important things to concentrate on like our studies and careers.

Well, unfortunately that's true.

Have you ever just seen a bunch of helium balloons or cotton candy and just gotten happy and wish you could hold it in your hand? And you stepped over that feeling since you were afraid someone would judge or say 'Grow up!' Or even worst, you said in your head 'I'm too big for any of this now'.

Yes, that's happened to everyone. Does that mean you're going to deprive yourself of that joy all the time? NO WAY. Remember the spot. Go back. Do it. Release those balloons, stuff your face with that cotton candy, have that favourite chocolate. You remember how I love my alone time? That's what I do a lot of times. It's such an amazing feeling.
If it makes you happy, do it. Yes yes I know you've already done that math in your head and you're being rational about it, but it's ok. You can let that little baby play once in a while right? Do it.

Here's a little secret, I'm hydrophobic. I recently went to a beach, and walked alone for a good 45 minutes. Went right ahead and walked into the water, till it reached my knees. Yes, I did stand at a spot where no one was around so even if I squeaked a little no one would hear. I knew it was safe, I could see the sand and shells at my feet. I was safe and I did it! I cannot tell you how happy that made me. Stood in the water for a good 10 minutes. I was overwhelmed and thrilled, and yes I did squeak a little bit. It was the same thrill I had as a little girl when I got a new toy or some favourite stationary.

Do that mental math, but don't let that little baby die. It's too precious and gorgeous to not address it. Do something silly and nice once in a while, it's worth the comfort and the pleasure


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