Going back home to yourself

 When we are young, we are always taught to share, respect each other, help the other, take care of  people around you etc, which are all excellent virtues to have, I accept that. 

Although somewhere down the line, we forget to take care of ourselves, to put our happiness at a position it deserves to be. We do grow up to get caught in chasing our dreams, trying to strike the right balance with our work and our life, buying a house, catching flights, that somehow, we don't see ourselves anymore. We end up seeing  the professionals we are, and forget the people we are. 

Here's how I see it. Isn't the only constant in your life, you? and isn't it safe to call ourselves, our body, home?

Why have we somehow never taken this seriously? 

Well it's safe to say this pandemic has taught everyone to slow down and somehow self-care has become a new thing to do. 

Did we need a pandemic to remind us how to take care?

I wish we didn't but it's true. We finally know the importance of taking those moments to just sit down and breathe, enjoy that crisp cup of coffee, the importance of building a space we love spending time in, and well, also the joy of being a little lazy right?

Can we start doing things for ourselves without feeling guilty?

It's ok to feel unproductive sometimes. It's perfectly normal to binge a whole show with your favorite face pack on and tub of ice cream. FIFA and video games for a whole day!? I mean come on, sounds like a good way to unwind, right? 

Take care of yourself. Be kinder to yourself. Make room for yourself every single day, in  your routine. Before you know it, you'll start addressing that voice in your head, you'll be calmer and happier. 

If it helps, for starters, go on with your routine as you have been doing so far, clock out a few hours before you hit the bed, and just sit. Do things that make you happy. Do not go to bed sulking, it doesn't help sleeping with all the anxiety. 

Clock out, and be.

Make that routine something you like coming back to, so even when life resumes, you can always come back home to yourself. 

It's a great place to be.  



  1. Such a beautiful note to our own selves 🥰💫


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