A Letter To Every 20 Something girl ..

There's going to be a day, when it's a brand new start.

Ever looked around and wondered how everyone else's life seems in place but yours? How they seem to have everything going for them but you? Also now look at who you're comparing yourself to. I bet everyone's older than you. So STOP.

Remember people often say, everything will happen in it's own time? Turns out, that is true.

I remember staying in bed on those days I couldn't wake but, honestly, didn't want to, because I knew If i woke up, I had to face the world, and I didn't have the strength to do so.
I know how it feels when you realise you're very close to failure. It's harder to breath, you feel like there's a storm inside of you and you just cannot wait for it to end. You don't like getting out, because the normal world scares you. You always start looking for people or things as damaged as you, then it feels like you're not alone.

In your head, thousands of things go on. You keep telling yourself that one day, I'll be ok and I will be able to walk out. Sometimes this reinforcement that you keep giving yourself may seem painful, but believe me it's worth it. Wait for it. That day will come and it will feel like it's a whole new side to you and you'd love it.

Let it be a new job, a new relationship, or leaving back and old one, or like me, fighting depression and anxiety. It all has to end someday, and it will.

The day I knew I couldn't race with time anymore, I could breath. I felt ok again. I managed to get up and get out too. That was the day. That was MY day.
It never felt more real. It felt like a brand new start to my life all over again.

So wait for it, you will have that new day too :)


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