Loving A Person With Anxiety
It's harder than you think. Believe me. Also when someone uses the word 'Anxiety', I don't think that they realise its a mental disorder and that over 40 million people in the world suffer from it everyday, some reported and some not. Some aware of what to call it and some who just think that something's wrong with them . It's a very difficult state of mind to deal with. Loving somebody with anxiety is not easy either. Remember that while loving and being there for them, you cannot fix them. It's a state of mind. No body can change that. The minute you try to fix them, you're only making them feel worst. They will feel even more alienated from the world and the process of breathing will only get harder. They will feel broken. There's nothing you can do will magically change their mental state or will suddenly make everything be ok. So don't force them to believe they're ok. They are not. Just stick by them, talk to th...