Yes, No...What? Let's Escape

I'm Back!

How often do you say it out in your head that life is unpredictable? Well, I recently did so too, & I think it changed me a little, in a good way. I finally got a chance to take a holiday after forever. My experience was nothing less than brilliant. New town, new country, new people, and a slightly calmer me.

Life is full of surprises. You never thought you'd be doing any of this 5 months ago. Before you know it, a routine is formed. You barely have time to wake up in the morning and sip that hot cup of coffee in peace anymore. You're running on timelines and have a lot of staring at the laptop screen to do. You talk to your friends more via text than meeting them. You understand the true meaning of 'Monday Blues', weekends for you now mean craving for 'ghar ka khana' and a nice long sleep.
Where are you? Living a mechanical life looks like it.

That escape we would have everyday initially, of going into our little dream land whenever we had time, also seems to reduce. You just began to get so exhausted even though you've had a good eight hours of sleep the previous night.

Let's go back, make our own escape time. Live in that tiny world of dreams in your head for a bit, before you are ready to open your eyes again and get back to that routine you signed up for.

You can totally run away alone for a while, or just with that best friend of yours who needs this as much as you. Go take a break! Go do things the way they look in your head! Stop waiting for your dreams to get closer to you. Go ahead, make steps to get closer to your dreams, the dreams will automatically become a reality. You no longer will have the need to escape for hours together in a day, but just a few minutes to close your eyes, relive a few of your favourite moments, and get back to where it all started.

Make your dreams a reality, so a new day can have a new dream.


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