So everyone knows the full for of OMG right, here's a new term I stumbled upon and totally can relate to. It's called JOMO - Joys of missing out.

I recently realised that all of us at some point like this. JOMO makes sense in everyones life.
We are so used to that routine, that running around and the crazy timelines in life we have to follow, deadlines to meet, in the little time to have to breath, make time for friends, do the laundry, clean up, everything. Didn't you just wish in your head silently that there is that something you just want to miss and sit at home instead, put up your feet and relax?

Now trace back memory, do you remember doing it? Do you remember calling in sick when you actually just felt content sitting at home in pyjamas and enjoying that hot cup of coffee?

There you go! You've done it too! Din't it just feel great? You missed out on something so you could do something else. You felt content after doing it.

Now consciously make this effort more. Start doing things for yourself. Stop being that person who has to do things so the rest of the world doesn't get mad at you for not doing it. Take that time out! Breath. Finally go and visit that jewellery store you always wanted to see. Pick up a nice kurta/ shirt that makes you feel like you you're the prettiest thing in this world. Go find that little sparkle that's got hidden under all the dust of daily life. Pick up that confidence that you had kept down for a while. It's all worth taking that break.

It's JOMO :D


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