Voices in my head

Even when you're alone, you're not really alone. There's that voice in your head that you keep taking to and building stories up in your head. It just helps you escape from the world most of the times even there's chaos around you.
It's like the voice that's reading this in your head right now.
So I don't think we are ever really alone, physically, yes, but otherwise, well, not really.

Every time you tell your self that you are alone, it just really means that you want to have that conversation with the voice in your head. Its the one voice you are comfortable talking anything to and wouldn't mind hearing anything from. It's a comfort zone that will never be extinct.
It's a voice that makes you happy, it's a voice that helps you evaluate everything, its a voice that stops you from doing something that you might regret the next morning. It's that voice that pacifies you when you feel isolated and defeated she you don't reach that target you had set for yourself.
This voice helps you appreciate everything around you and it just creates a beautiful contrast of you in the real world.
It's a contrast alright! Do you think the voice in your head always matches the actions you do?
well it doesn't. Thus the contrast.
The contrast is what keeps us going and helps us appreciate the different things in life at different ages. No here the agenda is not to sound like an old lady, but just think about it.
As a kid, you probably didn't appreciate nature as much, or even the basic rules you had to follow at home. The voice always told you what your mom told you, but you always did what you wanted to. 5 years later is when you realise and appreciate the sentiment behind the whole thing.
This voice in your head grows along with you and takes you thought the most beautiful journey around this thing, called life.

The voice is my favourite thing in the world! you don't always have to find the right words to express what you fell, because that voice always knows. It's that single person that sits with you and appreciates that beauty after the end of a really long walk up a tiny hill, or just enjoys a beautiful sunset with a cup of coffee.

Never let that voice stay quite or die out in the chaos of life. It's the voice that's going to help you through everything. So take some time out sometimes, just go alone and sit by a view that soothes you and have a beautiful conversation with that voice, and spend quality time. It'll just help you stay at peace and make life a little more meaningful sometimes :)


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