The real life fairy tale?

 (if you listen to chasing cars by snow petrol and read this, it might just be nice)

We all grow up hearing fairy tale stories, but are asked never to believe in them, because they don't happen in real life.
 Does that mean we stop believing in magic?
Or it's just that we need to find our magic and sparkle in our own ways...

One never is completely satisfied with one's self. There's always something more that you want to get or achieve in order to be that happy that you can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Everyone has their own set of baggage that they come with. Some people find it hard to digest, and some don't really care, to be honest. You need to find that some one who doesn't really care. When you find that someone, you will realise that you are not just made out of those things that you probably think are bad or count as baggage, but you can also embrace that side of you that you never really discovered completely, it's that side of you that makes you feel beautiful and confident and super happy. No, I'm not saying this necessarily has to be love, this could also be a special bond that you share with a person, a normal person.
Once you discover this, you can start calling it 'The necessary sparkle'
The feeling is lovely and things just start falling in place and the process of breathing just gets easier, even when you imagine something bad. Once the process of breathing gets easier and that pain in your throat is gone, is when you know that this person is your person. Let it out, talk it over coffee or whatever may work for you, but always find that sparkle that keeps you going.
Your dream life could be the way you want it to be, because you already have that sparkle, that mainly constitutes to make that beautiful fairy tale you grew up hearing. Who said every fairy tale has to be the one you heard as a kid, why not pen down one for yourself?

It could just be as simple as spending a great day decorating your apartment with them, and cooking food and having it with some wonderful wine and dim fairy lights? Doesn't that sound dreamy enough? or surreal?

Make your own fairy tale, find your own person, and all those pieces of life will fall in place on its own. There's a light that never goes out. Stay with that person and forget the whole world...

P.S. Always remember that if the journey ends up looking like a large rocky chocolate cookie with chocolate chips in it, it will be as yummy as it too


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