Staying Relevant


This pandemic has raised so many questions, as many as the world tried to answer, I'm sure you did too, on a personal level. Do I really need this? Is this still important? If I lose my job what will I do? Does what I do even matter?

Well the truth is, nobody knows, at least for now. As times are changing, we are evolving, and every day seems like a bunch of new questions.  We are trained to question and solve problems, so believe me, we will always come up with answers. The real question you need to answer is, 'Do you want to stay?' 

Let's go back to some essentials. I'm sure a lot of us are still stuck at home. We have learnt to take care of ourselves &  our homes. Some of us built spaces we like spending more time in, some of us took it upon us to revamp everything, as unsettled as it all was, we found a new way to settle down. We tried a bunch of new things, like cooking, growing out our beards\ eyebrows, some of us grew more plants or got puppies. Aren't these the most simplest forms of joy? Take a minute and think about this. I'm hoping this made you smile a little. Here's a little secret, you did all this with some passion and motivation. 

Could this just be the answer to living life? 

Can we all start afresh like this?

Passion and may be some amount of motivation along the way? Because let's face it, when we are passionate about something, we can never get enough of it. If something makes us happy, it comes to us so easily right? Isn't that a nice way to live life? 

May be this pandemic taught us to slow down, may be some of us did too. Even if we don't start something new, can we just move forward with more passion? 

Will that keep us afloat?

Will that help us stay relevant?

I think so. 

I think it's because we chose to stay. 

I think it's because we still want to do so much with love. 

So, let's stay.

P.S. Let's not forget to take care of ourselves when life as we knew it resumes. Looks like that is an invisible secret ingredient too. 


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