What is actually right?

Scroll through youtube or blogs, you come across more self love and de stressing videos and text, than anything else. It got me thinking, is it really that bad? Or has our generation really become so seduced to the idea of trying to built a perfect future in this rat race that we all forget to give ourselves some time. 

We all have those friends who say, ‘Dude you never meet ya, you are always busy.. etc’
 Well yes, we do have jobs, we do have work that makes us tired and sometimes we are selfish and say I want this one sunday to myself. Is that too bad? Or is age just hitting me real hard? 

I love it when we all can just make time and sit down with those friends you have’t met in ages and just chat like nothing has changed!
Sometimes though unfortunately it doesn’t happen right? 

So it’s ok. Don’t keep holding that against them, for all you know you’re pushing them away further right? Give them some time to figure it out and get back. Before they get back if you go nudging them a billion times in three days they will definitely never want to see you again. 

Some people just like their space more than the rest, and some people want people around them irrespective. You just need to know which amongst the two category of people you belong to. That’s all. Instead of doing every sunday, do alternate one’s? I mean is that so bad?

I like some space!! There I said it. Doesn’t mean I don’t like people. I love them more than you can probably imagine. 
I also like alternate sunday’s better. That’s all. 

So who is really right?
Well, let me burst your bubble, none. 
Each one always has a version of their events right? this is exactly that. It’s just how people are. 
We as responsible adults just need to learn to respect that and move on. 

It’s a happier universe than you image, believe me. 
The minute you know that, things just somehow always fall in place. 


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