Which seat do you prefer?..

It's almost time and I'm in my window seat, staring out before my flight takes off. If anyone happens to notice me before a flight, they'd think I'm weird.   (not like they doubted it before).    I'm generally staring aimlessly into blank space. Though it looks like that, my head goes wondering into a million hemispheres, & zones of imagination.Those dreams still unachieved, and the journey of self discovery begins the minute I get to the airport and this journey is about to start. The view from the window changes with every passing second & my heart starts racing and the endless dreaming begins.

What does one see when seated on an aisle seat? I wonder. The guy on the aisle seat is generally already watching the television on his screen or reading his book. If gets me thinking, isn't he excited? What's his story? Why is he watching movies before the flight has even taken off?

This time, I was less nervous and more excited as I was going to a city that always felt like home. Singapore, you were going to be my therapy. As I embarked on this journey not just for a dear friend, a wonderful city & some fun time, it was also to come closer to the voice inside my head. As the sun started to rise & the cities below got clearer, games in my head continued uninterrupted. I walked through my whole trip in my head before I even landed. To my surprise everything was exactly how I imagined it to be.

Gorgeous christmas lights, my happy friend, a house I could call my own, & some stories within myself to unravel.  As day 1 passed by my heart felt lighter, as I had gathered enough courage to make this trip and I had reached my destination safely. Day 2 was even more amazing. I did things I had never done before and I laughed like there was no tomorrow. I let go of the feeling that generally holds me back, only to discover that I knew how to be happy now, & that it was ok to feel like that.

Lounging on day 3 only brought to my notice my unrealistic dream I had as a little girl, that is to be a writer/ travel journalist. On Christmas eve the next day I decided not to feel bad about this unachieved dream, and I made up my mind that I would enjoy the gorgeous evening that lay ahead of me.
But no, it was a beautiful evening that was interrupted by a little knock on my door in my head. The journalist voice inside had stopped by to say hello.    (So I did go back home and write two articles.)

The Christmas celebrations were real, stuff toys, lights, waffles, and my darling girl friend. It couldn't have possibly been any better. Clearly my trip was going better than what played in my head.  It just felt like a million imaginary stories coming true.

Familiar places got back memories of faint stories, but the stories were now complete.
On one fine morning, while having breakfast by the window, I saw a man sitting alone, reading his book and having his morning coffee. It made me wonder, was it just me or may be even he plays these stories in his head? What would his story possibly be like?  Did he ever get closure like I did the previous evening?
These completed stories in my head only meant' it's time to end this chapter, and turn to a new page now.

Today I'm back on a flight  heading home, & back to my window seat. It wasn't time to replay my holiday yet, but to start the new story to this new chapter already. Will this new chapter get me some closure too?     (do you ever feel like you connect the dots without expecting to do so?)
A guy starting aimlessly was seated next to me. I couldn't help but look at him and smile. I wonder what was cooking inside his head.

As my flight took off as the city below me started to look beautiful and dream like, I wondered what my next story should be like.

You ever go looking for answers? wonder if any of the dots match? Chase a dream you thought was impossible?

The window is a safe place for me to sit and just stare at it for a while before my head takes me to new stories, some complete, some incomplete.

Which seat do you prefer?

Picture courtesy: Google. 



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