Pieces in a puzzle.

Little did we know, our story started the day we sat and sipped our first cup of coffee together as strangers, trying to get to know each other better. In my head the fireworks went off instantly, but somehow I wasn't sure if I was allowed to feel that way. My little heart that went dancing around for a tiny bit, had to settle down eventually and get back to the grind.

It was that one night when I realised my tiny heart wouldn't stop dancing. We each had our drinks and were happily sawing to the loud music in the background, whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. Until the other girl came along and you went swinging into her arms and dancing like there was no tomorrow. My tiny hurt felt a giant punch in the face, and that's when I realised I was going to drink my sorrows away, quiet literally that night. The music suddenly turned up and I danced enough where I couldn't feel my feet. I faintly remember a ride back to my hotel room, where I almost fell asleep on my couch, and you appeared from out of no where to kiss me goodnight.

That night seemed odd.

As we sat there on the same couch with our legs on each other, a coffee mug with lipstick stains and a bunch of magazines with tiny notes stuck on it accompanied with silence. You eventually got up to make me us another cup of coffee, while I leaned in and pulled you close just to place a kiss on your cheek. We eventually got dressed and went ahead to do some grocery shopping. No one had spoken a word in a couple of hours. As we stood in the check out counter, our eyes met and you leaned in to kiss me. I couldn't help but blush like a teenager and rest my head on your shoulder. We drove back home, as I sat to rearrange my cotton saris and  jewellery, you made us some dinner and we ate it watching a movie. We then spent some quality time in each others arms and jabbering like little school kids. We wouldn't let the other finish, and to shut me up, you'd kiss me for just a tiny second, and then we'd talk again. Clearly the kissing game didn't last too long and we eventually decided to go to bed. We both had flights to catch the next morning. Each back to our work lives, a new story, a new place, but the same old us. We left home together, and kissed each other goodbye at the airport.

What's strange is I don't remember anything after this. I woke up, only to realise this was all the dream. Did that mean you were my dream too? By the time I woke up, you had already left. Never got a chance to say goodbye. I didn't hear from you or see you in a while. Beating myself over the fact that I probably played too many things in my head, I decided to take a step back and just go back home.

I got home and checked my phone to find a text from you that read, 'I still love you. Do we fit? like pieces of a puzzle we made together?'
Up until today, I'm scared to jump on you and tell you things. I now cannot remember which part of us is real and which part is a dream? Today, we do sit together and sip on coffee and our eyes meet eventually and kisses fly across the room, we do eat meals together, make fun of each other, stop in the middle of the a dark street just so we get kiss for a couple of seconds with no one to stop us.

Is this our puzzle? Is this what we made together?
Do I need to wake up? Or is it safe to wake up and realise that my dream is no longer a dream and a man is real.
Can I not post anything on social media? Is that ok?
Can I keep you a secret?
 Because....it's easier to love you when nobody knows..

Now that I sit back and think of our beginning, I wonder which one is it really?
Did we always fit like perfect pieces, or did we just build a beautiful puzzle in an already existing one that the universe had to offer us.


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