Dear Women, Don't Starve.

As a woman in our society, we have so many people to listen to.
Social protocol, aunties,sometimes mother's, grandmothers, some third person.
What happens to that voice in your head? Does it diminish?

Here's the thing. May be don't rebel, because that doesn't work. You'll only have to hear more terrible things about yourself.  Instead, just walk away. Do what you want to anyway, just quietly. Who ever has to pick on it, will do it, anyway.

We are told a lot of times to sit a certain way, to eat a certain way, dress appropriately, love a certain way and be tamed. May be this is not something out mothers ever wanted to do to us, but it just happened. The generation our mothers belong to one which are torn between the previous generation was very strict, and our generation, our grandmothers may call lose. I think our mothers are able to rationalise a little more than the previous. They may tend to support us a lot more than we may think, but they will also just please the previous to shut up them in a socially acceptable manner.
This just gives you a hint of how terribly tortured the generation of our grandmothers must've been.

It's you who now has to take this forward and do something about it.
The queens and goddess also were tortured according to what we read. The stories told to us as kids always educated us that we needed to be rescued and saved by men, that they are stronger. They never told us we were just as strong too. That we could be confident enough to take up any fight we want.

Look messy. Don't brush your hair or shave your legs. Have a uni-brow. Wear oversized shirts, or clothes that may show your figure a little. Feel like the woman you want to feel. Don't lose yourself in the process of trying to please society so you can pass on only half the information to the next generation.

Go look in the mirror and smile, You're wonderfully weird.
Be the girl you've always wanted to be.

Be your mother, because you know that's exactly what she secretly wanted for you.

Don't starve. 

Dear men who love their girls to be messy sometimes, thank you :D 

P. S.   To my mom and all the moms of this generation, thank you for standing up for us every time some aunty or neighbour said that your daughter should be better behaved, or that you should find her a man so she would improve.

                                  PC: Google 


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