It will happen

We are all so engrossed in trying to reach those dreams we have in our head, we forget to stop, see and love ourselves.
In this whole process, we are running and chasing things. We end up seeing what we love in others and not ourselves. We learn how to love, we don't learn what to love.

It only gets easier by every passing day to appreciate things around us, but we forget to do so every time we look in the mirror. We only end up seeing that one scar, or one strand of grey hair that sticks out, when we don't realise that most of the times the world doesn't even notice it's there. Why are we always bring ourselves down constantly? Is it because we had a bad experience in the past? Or is it because what people would say now when they saw, and you know they'd react badly?

Who cares? Is it your life to live or theirs? Forget what someone has to say or react. Stop concentrating on the things that may hit you and make you feel bad. There's probably more positive out there than you know. There  might be people who look up to you and want to be like you, you just don't know it yet.

Look into that mirror, smile, only because you don't know how amazing you are yet. Love yourself, and believe me the world is a better place.


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