The Routine

How does your life look? no, I don't mean to the rest of the world, I mean to your own eye.
If the answer that went off in your head was boring, then get up, change it. Change the view and make it a little more interesting.

GET UP! make the difference. Just do it for yourself so you can breath ok. Stop worrying about what someone will say. If you need a break between work and you know it will make a difference, do it. Its for you. Make a choice, but smile.

The routine won't change unless you change it yourself.

YOU make your world what it is. Find your supports, find that one person you can call yours.
Learn to make time for yourself in all the chaos. learn to look up at the sky without fear and smile, because you can, not because you should. Embrace your scars, your scars make you who you are.
Don't be afraid to to try for the second time. Do something that makes you feel on top of the world. Feel free, its your life, make the routine beautiful :)

Make this about YOU! it's always about you :)

Its the end of yet another year. Make the new beginning already :)
You always deserve it :) 


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