Did we just fall?

Sometimes it feels like we are standing on this thin rope, trying to cross from one end to another, probably even knowing that it is a remote possibility, but we go ahead and do it anyway. You know that any second you are going to fall and it's never going to be the same again.
You fall.
When you try to get back on your feet, you know there's pain, you can either ignore it and just try and see the brighter side to the world & be happy about this new adventure you are about to begin, or you can sit there, address the pain first and then decide to truly be happy about what's in front of you.
Suppressing the pain will only make the wound deeper and deeper and it will truly never heal. What if you never address it and never give it a chance to heal?

You'll still see the good and adventurous side to everything but with a ting of pain knowing that it could come up and bring you down even at your happiest moment. Along with the tears of joy, there will be some hidden pain that only comes out bit by bit, leaving the rest of the pain within you always.

Sit down, deal with the pain, let it heal, let it go, appreciate the world around you even in pain, so when you get to the dream land and see the rainbow and unicorns, you'll know its real. You'll know what it feels like to have a new start. You'll know what it feels like to open your eyes happily again, and breath without any pain.


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