
Is this just a story, in my head, or is it reality?
Is change inevitable?
You were different when we met,
and now you are different.
Is this called growing in love, or just growing up together in love?
The change is nice,
and sometimes not too much.
Makes me wonder if change is necessary at all.

Sometimes I'm lost and need your help to find myself,
need you to be my best friend and not lover.
So why choose this duel role if just one is better?
Is it because people find this hard to understand, our situation
or is it because books have altered my perception on relationships..

All I know is I want this and need it,
as much as you do I hope
being lost together in happiness and still being ourselves,
is at least what I want to call love.
Love for me is very different from what I see around.

Lost is good for me,
lost is wonderful for me.
I hope you like this 'lost' feeling too.
Lost is love for me.


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