Time to shine

Hello here to all my beautiful readers
I've been meaning to write this for a long time, but getting the perfect photograph took a little while

So not everything in life is always as great as you imagined it or want it to be. But I guess everyone knows by now that happiness and confidence is the key to not just looking good but also leading a beautiful  life.
So generally we go into this darkness or dark zone around us when things aren't the way we want them to be. But the deal is that we never understand that fighting the darkness is not the ideal method to deal with it. Embracing it is. One needs to embrace the darkness around, accept it and find the sparkle in the darkness. There's a light that never goes out. Find that light and make it the guiding light. The faster you accept it the more beautiful your journey of making the darkness into light turns out to be.
Everyone finds their moments of little happiness in various things. Go find yours and make that the sparkle in the existing darkness. Burst the bubble of the darkness and allow the various colors of glitter to fall on you to realize how much it was worth waiting, and I promise you the happiness will be like no other.
Follow your dreams and allow your dreams to be filled with light and enough sparkle to brighten up your whole life. No other joy than living your dream and doing something you absolutely love. When you do something you love, you turn it into magic. Magic cannot be created without love and enough sparkle in yourself.
People who say magic isn't easy to create, don't really know where to find their sparkle :)

So take the opportunity of this festive season, to burst that bubble and see what beautiful colors the darkness has to give to you. Appreciate the tiny things in nature and see the immense happiness it can possibly give you.
Don't just brighten up your houses this Diwali, but also your lives and enjoy the magic that the world is ready to offer to you.

P.S. The sparkle and my journey towards magic in my life, is photography :)


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