Rat race? No thank you

Hello there to all my beautiful readers.
Sorry for keeping such a long gap between the two posts. College and trying to graduate with good grades has kind off kept me pretty busy. Good sleep, time for myself just seems like things I can crave for and not really get.
Well, I'm sure you're wondering how does this sound relevant to the title of this blog? well, let me walk you through it.

So last year of college and everyone around is trying so hard to stay focused on good grades but also the pressure of doing well work wise is eating everyone up. All realize that there is only one top to a pyramid and you have to go through the journey alone irrespective of how many people you have around you as support. You think the story of any college student in the last year is different? well, I don't particularly think so. Its just that we all help everyone but always aim at being at the top. This is when you crave for some alone time and push yourself to do your best.

Friendships are lost in some cases, luckily in my case I have this one person who sticks around irrespective of how tough it gets. I think it's good to have that one friend who helps you carve yourself and you help her. Let's face it, we all know nothing in the world is hunky dory, absolutely nothing. So I think we may as well just forget about others who we might not be in touch with 10 years down the line and concentrate on ourselves, and also not lose any current good friends. It's always important to be in company who not just understand you but also understand the value of your dreams and help you chase it.

So let's all be a part of our own race, and just aim at doing better than we have done in the past and not compare ourselves or our dreams to the one's around us. Ultimately its our battles and journeys that define us and make us beautiful in our own way.
so challenge accepted?

  The picture attached here signifies; All  our battles and journeys is what defines us and make us beautiful in our own way.


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