Self Help

Ever wonder why they call it Self Help? Well it had been a while since I wanted to read one, so recently I picked up one called, non violent communication. It spoke about various aspects in life. But out of all I read, I picked up on this one thing that stuck to me like nothing else. (little did I know reading on flights would help so much) How do we project anger? Did you ever just stop to think? Our hearts does a lot more than just pump blood to our body and lee us alive. It leads to the stomach. The stomach that doesn’t just digest food, but also is the pit to all your feelings. Do you ever feel hollow even after you’ve eaten? If yes, you know what I mean. Sometimes we say a lot of things without understanding, but it is in the spur of the moment. Sometimes we pile things up in our hearts and the just spill it out all at once, because we have been scared to say it all this while. But who have we been scared to say it to? Ourselves or someone el...