Gone with the wind

Never hold back Never restrain Never be afraid, to make impulsive decisions Never be afraid of 'A Happily ever after' moment It's never to late, let go of your heart See what it finds Hold it, cherish it, love it Like balloons, that fly with the wind, one must let the heart do the same You never know what you might just find in the most unexpected place. Don't be afraid to accept the love that the heart has found. there's generally nothing called 'it's too soon' If it happens, it's because it's meant to happen. Don't be afraid to love and enjoy and bloom In the world of technology and cheating, real love still does exist, you just need to find the right one and go ahead with it. This feeling of love, makes you feel so confident, beautiful and makes you believe that you can do things and follow your heart. Go find that love that makes you believe that the world is still a good place and that beautiful people still exist. Go fi...