
Showing posts from September, 2015

Discover, Live.

I'm no writer. I'm no philosopher, but this thought keeps playing in my head and I couldn't think of anything else to do with it, but to write about it. Our journey as a human being is wonderful and flamboyant, in it's own way. You may or may not see similarities with others in the process. It's wonderfully painful and beautiful. You may easily get lost in the process of trying to achieve that goal forgetting that you are the journey, you make the journey yourself. It could sometimes be easy and sometimes, not so easy. Things take you down, that voice in your head never seems to stop talking. There's a constant mumbling and you can always here it, but the question is how much do you listen to it. The journey is something that could change you and could easily make so many route things in your life disappear over a period of time. They never are truly gone for ever. It's like your subconscious mind. It just needs that nudge once in a while to wake up and...

Choose your view.

The window is in your heart. The view may remain the same for a really long time. You need to choose what you really want to do with the view. You can either choose to be irritated that what you really want isn't happening, or you can get up and change that view but retain your window. The process need not be smooth and pleasant. The more painful, the more you will appreciate it yourself. Get that inner self out. Use that voice in your head, talk to it and listen. You may just end up seeing a side to you, you never knew you had. Circumstances may change you a little, but they can never really change you entirely. After a point, the real you is bound to come out. When the real you is ready for its debut, the world will be ready for you too. Go do your thing! Be that person you've always wanted to be. Change the view from the window in your heart. Don't be too hard on yourself if you think the process isn't as fast as you want it to be, you might be damaging that ...