Time to take a break!
So well college takes up most of my time! And all I want to come back home and do is catch up on some sleep. This growing up business I tell you, ain't easy. Taking up English Literature as my major subject in my last year, is probably one of the best decisions I have made so far. Reading and getting lost in the world of imagination, coming up with your own theories for various reasons etc. it's all just so wonderful. I like being this occupied with books and taking a break from work for a while, because let's face it, everyone needs to be a graduate with good scores. So well what must one ideally do when one takes a break? I think you will be able to figure it out yourself at the end of this blog, once I take you through my journey. Find that one person who has similar interests as you do and just go on a date. I had my perfect friend to accompany me to a hood cup of coffee at Juhu, where we just sat and enjoyed talking to each other about everything except studies. W...